Letters to Premier and Energy Minister Regarding Dorland IWT
Randy Hillier, MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington, wrote letters to both Premier Kathleen Wynne and the Minister of Energy Bob Chiarelli requesting that they respect the Town of Greater Napanee's decision to declare themselves "not a willing host" for the Dorland Industrial Wind Turbine Project. Please take a moment and read the two letters below.
Response from Minister MacCharles regarding Tarion
On August 21st, 2013, I sent a letter to Ontario's Minister of Consumer Services Tracy MacCharles requesting that she conduct a value for money audit of Tarion Warranty Corporation. Contrary to her letter, there is no law which disallows her from calling for such an audit. Here is my response.
Read moreThe Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park: Real Action for Real Problems
Much has transpired since my last newsletter, both good news as well as some disappointing news. Let’s start with the good news first:
Read moreThe Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park: From Property Rights to Pitbulls
The Legislature is almost back in session and it's time another Scuttlebutt before summer's end. There's only two days left of discounted early bird registration for the Second Annual Canadian Property Rights Conference. I also want to give you an update of what I'm doing to fix issues at Tarion and Hydro One and to end Ontario's breed specific legislation.
Read moreHillier requests a Value for Money Audit of Tarion from Minister MacCharles
Response from Ombudsman regarding Hydro One Complaints
Randy Hillier requested that the Ontario Ombudsman investigate the billing practices of Hydro One as a result of a countless number of complaints received. Ombudsman Marin responded with the following letter. Hillier will continue to pursue this file as it progresses.
Read moreThe Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park: Hydro, Property Rights and Putting Constituents First
While the legislature has been recessed, I've taken a breather from the weekly Toronto and Queen's Park smog. In between helping my constituents, I've managed to get some much needed painting, drywalling and insulation renovations completed on my house. Working with tools and being with constituents during the summer has been a welcome change from the endless partisanship at Queen's Park. But just because summer is here doesn’t mean there isn’t Scuttlebutt from Queen’s Park.
Read moreHillier requests Ombudsman investigation of Hydro One
Randy Hillier requests an investigation of Hydro One by Ontario Ombudsman André Marin. Hillier, the MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, is concerned with Hydro One's opaque billing practices which limit a customer's ability to hold Hydro One to account.
Read moreHillier response to Amherst Island EBR Posting
Randy Hillier, MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, responds to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resource's posting on the EBR regarding land use and construction permits for Amherst Island.
Read moreAn update on repealing BSL in Ontario
I fully understand that the legislative process in this Province can be confusing and I thought it might be helpful to explain to you the difficult place our Bill to repeal breed specific legislation in Ontario is in.
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