Queen's Park Scuttlebutt: Focus Ontario, Amherst Island, Bill 119 town hall, Drive Clean and a Day for our Constitution
Drive Clean
The Auditor General has recommended that due to modern improvements in vehicles and fuels vehicle emissions are no longer a major contributor to smog in Ontario and that the Drive Clean program be phased out. But the Drive Clean program continues to exist and charge hard-working people for no reason. That's why I've launched a petition to get the Liberal Government to Eliminate the Drive Clean Program. Click here to sign the petition to get rid of the woeful program.
Letter to OPP Commissioner Chris Lewis Regarding the Algonquin Land Claim AIP
Below please take a moment and read the letter I sent to Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Chris Lewis. In the letter I express the concerns many have shared with me; that they worry the OPP will not enforce the terms of the agreement.
Queen's Park Scuttlebutt: Land Claims, Labour Pains, and Political Shames
As the long winter of parliamentary dissolution finally draws to an end - it'll be 127 days since Premier McGuinty prorogued the house - and the weekly sojourns to Queens Park recommence, it's time for more Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park. This Scuttlebutt tells the story of Land Claims, Labour Pains and Political Shames in the week past and the week ahead.
Read moreQueen's Park Scuttlebutt: Bill 119, Algonquin Land Claim and New Years' Levees
Although Queen's Park remains shuttered and silent since October, the wheels of government continue to relentlessly grind out more policies, laws and regulations even though the elected legislators are absent. It's important that you are aware of these new policies which will invariably impact us in the days ahead.
Read moreMcGuinty Forges More Chains for Ontario Workers
The Ontario Liberal government recently created another arm’s length agency with legislated powers called the Ontario College of Trades. This agency is unelected and unaccountable not only to both the public and politicians, but also to all employees who must belong and pay fees to it.
Read moreLetter to Hon. John Duncan, MP regarding the Algonquin Land Claim agreement
Below please see the letter I sent to Federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan regarding my concerns over the Algonquin Land Claim Agreement in Principle.
Queen's Park Scuttlebutt: Christmas Hootenanny, College of Trades and Algonquin Land Claim
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. This is my last scuttlebutt for 2012 and I've got some news and some upcoming events to share with you.
Read moreQueen's Park Scuttlebutt: Prorogation and the LAWS
The latest scuttlebut with a dash of prorogation.
This past week at Queen's Park was certainly eventful. On Monday night, Premier Dalton McGuinty decided to resign and to prorogue the Legislature.
Queen's Park Scuttlebutt: Property Rights, BSL and Democracy
As you know, the Legislature was recalled two weeks ago so we could debate the Putting Students First Act. After discussing three other Government Bills, one Government motion and six private members bills and motions, we finally voted on the wage freeze for teachers. I, like many others, have no interest in participating in a façade. Regrettably, that's the rule, not the exception in Ontario politics. You can read my full thoughts on the issue here.
Read moreMinister of Labour Blatantly Ignores Construction Industry
Only this Liberal Government could create an Injury Prevention Council as the result of a tragic construction accident, and then determine representation from the construction industry is not necessary. Please take a moment and read my letter to the Minister of Labour and her subsequent cryptic response.