Drive Clean
The Auditor General has recommended that due to modern improvements in vehicles and fuels vehicle emissions are no longer a major contributor to smog in Ontario and that the Drive Clean program be phased out. But the Drive Clean program continues to exist and charge hard-working people for no reason. That's why I've launched a petition to get the Liberal Government to Eliminate the Drive Clean Program. Click here to sign the petition to get rid of the woeful program.
Amherst Island
Amherst Island is a beautiful island in Lake Ontario that's an unwilling host for a massively subsidized, useless and costly eyesore; it's set to be the site of an industrial wind turbine complex. I know that the Islanders and the taxpayers should not bear the brunt of the cost for a project that only benefits a few. I've launched a petition here and would like to hear what you have to say about the project too. Click here for my survey on the issue.
I also recently attended a protest against the wind farm in Bath. Click here to see the Kingston Whig Standard story on the protest.
Upcoming Events on Bill 119 and the College of Trades
A number of constituents have contacted me with questions about the latest two taxes on tradespeople: Bill 119 and the College of Trades. That's why I'll be hosting a town hall to answer your questions and address your concerns. The town hall will take place in Carleton Place at the Beckwith Community Centre on April 3rd at 6:30 PM. Click herefor more information and to RSVP to the event.
Legislative Update
These past few weeks in the Legislature have been very busy for me. I've spoken to a number of Bills including: the Leaves to Help Families Act, the Speech from the Throneand the Sick Days for Sick People Act. Click on the Act you'd like to hear my thoughts on to see my speech.
Property Rights
This past week, the Winnipeg-based Frontier Centre for Public Policy released the inaugural Candian Property Rights Index. Unfortunately, Ontario did not rank highly in protection of property rights. Ontario tied with New Brunswick to be the 7th ranked province or territory in Canada with a score of 59%. Click here to read my thoughts about the index and to read the index. If you haven't done so already, sign my petition to enshrine property rights in the Constitution. You can do that here.
Focus Ontario
On March 17th I appeared on Focus Ontario with Global journalist Leslie Roberts and with John Tory to discuss the Premier's overtures to rural Ontario. I told them that the Premier needs to do a lot more than do photo-ops with carrots if she wants to escape her Downtown Toronto mentality. Click here to see me on Focus Ontario.
Constitution Day
March 29th is Constitution Day. I'll be introducing a Bill to recognize Constitution Day in the House. March 29th was the day that both the Constitution Act 1867 and 1982 were signed by the Queen. If you are more interested in Constitution Day, the Canadian Constitution Foundation has set up a website to educate Canadians about Constitution Day and the Canadian Constitution. Click here.
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