Naughty or Nice: The Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park
As we wrap up the fall session of the Legislature on December 11th it's time for another edition of my Scuttlebutt, and to take a peek inside provincial politics to see who's been naughty or nice, or just a nincompoop.
However there are a few things outside of politics that I want to share with you. If you’re in the area on December 14 drop in on my annual Christmas Hootenanny at Fiddleheads in Perth for some festive treats, music by the Bowes Brothers as we have a toast to the holiday season. You can find event details and RSVP here!
Read moreFrom MaRS to Zombies: The Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park
One week ago I was attacked by zombies right here in my home town of Perth. I’m generally on guard for these types of attacks while I’m in Toronto or at the Legislature, but was caught completely off guard in Perth. You can see what I'm talking about by clicking here!
Read moreThe Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park: April 25th, 2014
In addition to looking for warmer weather and Easter eggs last week, many people, including the OPP, were on the hunt for computer hard drives, emails and the truth that appears to have gone missing from Queens Park. During the hunt it appears the Globe & Mail may have stumbled upon another Government scandal regarding taxpayer’s money.
Read moreLetter to CEO of Hydro One on customer service improvements
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Letter to Minister Naqvi regarding Bill 119
Letter to Attorney General Gerretsen regarding BSL
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Letter to Energy Minister Chiarelli regarding propane shortage
In this letter to Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli, Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington) expresses his extreme displeasure with the Ministry’s handling of the recent propane shortage in eastern Ontario.
Read moreAmherst Island Ferry Transportation Environmental Study Report
On December 31, the MTO made available for public review the Transportation Environmental Study Report for the project; the public has until February 4th to provide comments or questions to the Ministry.
Open Letter to Premier Wynne regarding Recall
Last week, I sent Premier Kathleen Wynne an open letter requesting her to support my Private Members Bill, Bill 124, that would allow for the recall of Members of Provincial Parliament. I asked her, in the wake of the controversies surrounding not just Toronto, but other municipalities across Ontario, to consider supporting amendments that would include all municipally elected representatives in the Province as well.
The Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park- November 6th 2013
It has been a sad state of affairs lately given the endless political shambles of a few Senators, Premiers and Mayors. Their respective failings and falsehoods underscore why our democracy is in the shape it is currently in.
However, I have remained busy and thought you might find some of my recent activity both important and interesting.
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