(Video) The Cyclical Nature of COVID

We will surely see an increase in respiratory viruses come this fall and winter. This isn't something to be alarmed about, it's simply nature's course with these types of illnesses. However, this year many will claim it's a SECOND wave, instead of the fact that since the beginning of time we have a "flu season" and always will.

In Ontario yesterday we tested 23,000 people who were not sick for COVID and 115 tested positive. There were no reported hospitalizations nor deaths, all our testing did was confirm 115 people tested positive but were not sick. Lets keep things in perspective and not buy into the panic.

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(Video) Measuring the Severity of COVID

It's foolish to measure COVID simply by the number of cases, rather we should measure its severity by the number of hospitalizations, those with severe side effects and deaths, as we do with other serious diseases.
It's important we don't get caught up by the daily fear mongering of the media and governments and continue to keep things in perspective. We must challenge narratives that continue to rely on models that have proven to be false and don't align with the facts we have today.
I will be continuing to address these important issues, if you would like to stay informed like and follow my page, and help grow this message by sharing with your friends.
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(Video) Petition: Parents Deserve Choices With School

I have created a petition calling on the government to provide the per-pupil funding it provides school boards, $12,500 per student, directly to parents so they may choose the best education arrangements for their individual needs.

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(Video) COVID Contradictions

As both hospitalizations and deaths decrease rapidly, government restrictions on our lives increase significantly. Mandatory masks came into effect in July, in my area we have had no new cases for weeks, yet back during the peak in March and April we were told that masks wouldn't help and not to use them.

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(Video) Comparing COVID Predictions with Today's Facts

The government is constantly moving the goal posts with COVID, however it's important to keep things in perspective and remember how and why we got where we are today, with a limited democracy, stunted economic activity, and stifling of our rights.

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COVID-19 Graphs & Facts

Here are the graphs I posted over the past few days comparing COVID hospitalization rates, recovery rates and deaths by age to a typical flu season. Additionally, with a graph from Ontario Public health showing lab confirmed flu cases from 2013 through 2018 and how the rate of infections coincide with our winter flu season (week 1 in the graph is the first week of January, as the chart begins September and ends in Aug) .

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus like many others, while some people refuse to accept the evidence, it shares many similarities in transmission and symptoms to every other respiratory virus that we face every season. It makes me think of the old adage,If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Did lock downs bring the COVID cases down, or did they come down precipitously as in every other and which occur naturally. Read the data and make your own decisions

Public Health Ontario Graphs: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/surveillance-reports/orpb/orpb-season-summary-2017-18.pdf

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The COVID road, between Dogma & Conspiracy


Letter to the LCBO Regarding Face Masks

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Letter to Businesses and Patrons on Mandatory Masks

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Petition: Time to End the State of Emergency

On March 13th, we declared a State of Emergency. I was in support of giving the Premier the authority to make swift decisions to handle the COVID-19 outbreak while the Legislature was in recess. Now, three months later, I can see this power has been abused to the detriment of the people of Ontario.

Throughout this outbreak we have seen groups come together in defence of democracy, with the hope of keeping our economy from ruin, and to protect those left behind by our shuttered healthcare system. Phone call after phone call, I began to learn the damages this lockdown has created for countless people in my riding. From business closures to bankruptcies, ignored medical procedures to unnecessary deaths; none a result of COVID-19 but rather the orders put by this government to fight it. Has the cure become more dangerous than the disease?

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