Letter to the Premier and Minister of Health on the Vaccinating of Children during COVID-19
I am calling on the Premier and Minister of Health to halt experimenting on our children.
Read moreLetter to First Ministers of Canada and Official Opposition Leaders Regarding The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
Today, I sent a letter to the Prime Minister, all the Premiers across Canada and their Official Opposition Leaders, informing them about the document penned by leading professionals from across our great country and the United States, many within the intelligence communities, exposing China’s involvement with the lockdowns across the western world.
Read moreLetter: Ontario Educators on Mandatory Masks in Schools
Here’s just one of the many letters I am receiving from educators about the plans for reopening schools in Ontario and their many concerns about the mandating of face masks on both staff and students.
Despite their efforts and mine, neither teachers’ unions nor the government are responding to these concerns.
In the face of significant institutional shaming towards professionals who would speak out against COVID policies, I applaud these teachers for expressing their convictions and views in these challenging times.
If you agree this is something we must address, contact the Premier, your MPP, School Board Trustee and tell them it is time to talk. Democracy works best when we all use it; phone, email, or visit your elected members.
Premier: [email protected] or [email protected] or 416-325-1941
Find Your MPP: https://www.ola.org/en/members
Find Your Local Health Unit: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx
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