It is clear, our representatives want More Lockdowns & More Political Theatre
Another harrowing day in the Ontario Legislature as we continue the lockdowns that have taken the lives of so many through suicides, overdoses, delayed medical procedures, and the destruction of our economy. The PC’s, the NDP, and the Liberals have put their political and party ambitions ahead of public interest and ahead of the best interests of our children and grandchildren.
Today I voted against the motion extending the powers under the Reopening Ontario Act, and while it has been extended, I am not giving up the fight...
Read moreClosed? Here is how you can fight back!
Small businesses are being forgotten, it is clear our Government doesn't think you matter. Let's show them otherwise.
Read moreA week in COVID: Facts vs Fears
Shall we follow the fears and the “experts”, or the facts and the science?
The last week has revealed a slew of information that challenges the government’s fear campaign since the start of COVID-19 hysteria. Here are a few of the powerful stories that shatter the narrative and show there is nothing keeping us from returning to normal.
Read moreCLOSED: Church of God in Aylmer Needs Your Support!
On Friday, Pastor Hildebrandt’s Church of God in Aylmer was seized by the government and locked down, with hefty fines being issued. Following a Court order closing the Church of God earlier in the day and allegedly for reasons of ‘public safety’, armed agents of the government wearing bullet proof vests descended upon the peaceful congregation gathered at the Church, a significant portion of whom were women and children.