Bill 89 - Election Amendment Act (MPP Recall), 2015
I have tabled and will be debating at second reading my Private Member's Bill on September 17th. Bill 89 - Election Amendment Act (MPPs' Recall), 2015 if passed will give the people of Ontario the ability to hold their representatives accountable between election cycles.
Summer Scuttlebutt - Rating the Government
The Summer Scuttlebutt: Rating the Government
Open, transparent and fiscally prudent provincial government?
Hydro One Must be Held Accountable
(QUEEN'S PARK) Randy Hillier, MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, is hopeful that Hydro One is punished appropriately for misleading both consumers and Legislators.
"Whether Hydro One is found in contempt by the Legislature, or investigated and potentially charged by the OPP," said Hillier. "All that matters is that they are dealt with swiftly and appropriately given the troubling details uncovered in the Ombudsman report."
On Monday, the Ontario Ombudsman released his latest report that she'd disturbing details of how Hydro One was intentionally misleading the Government over the scope of their significant billing problems. This week the Speaker of the Legislature has been asked to rule on whether or not Hydro One should be held in contempt of the House, and the OPP has been asked to investigate any criminal wrongdoings for failing to meet Hydro One's statutory obligations.
"Hydro One has not only mislead all Members of the Legislature, but they continue to abuse the trust of their customers. It's time this mess is cleaned up one way or another."
Bill 45 - A Backwards Step for Ontario’s Public Health
(QUEEN'S PARK) Randy Hillier, MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington, was the lone dissenting vote against Bill 45, The Making Healthier Choices Act, yesterday as the Legislation was passed at Third Reading.
Read moreSpring into Summer: The Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park
The Legislature is taking this week off and isn't sitting, so I thought it would be a good time to let you know the latest Scuttlebutt from Queen's Park and the riding.
The Liberals have been busy little bees this session, but they're being more of a pest than actually accomplishing anything productive. Here's some examples and things you may want to keep abreast of:
Read moreHydro One Privatization
As you may know, I have long been an outspoken advocate against both the exorbitant prices and other excessive charges Hydro One consumers are enduring, and more importantly, the tens of thousands of customers who have been receiving erroneous bills, no bills, outrageous estimated bills and disconnection notices due to substandard service, lack of diligence and carelessness by Hydro One.
Read moreStop Bill 45 from Banning Vaporizers
Freedom of Choice
Once again this Liberal Government is restricting your freedom to make healthy choices for yourself. Disguising it as the “Making Healthy Choices Act”, Schedule 3 of this Act will in fact drive people away from healthier choices and back to tobacco.
Many thousands of people have successfully quit smoking thanks to vaporizers, or “e-cigs” as they are sometimes called. Between 95 and 99% cleaner than cigarettes, there is no scientific or medical evidence that suggests vaporizers cause inhalable exposure to contaminants or warrant any health concerns - yet this government would like to regulate them as they do with tobacco and alcohol.
Read moreA way to fix our broken hydro
I have received a number of emails, phone calls and messages with concerns regarding Minister Chiarelli and Premier Wynne's latest 'rebate program' charade for Ontario's electricity customers. This is nothing more than another purposeful distraction that provides no remedy to the problems underlying this government's failed energy fiasco.
Read moreScuttlebutt from the Banana Republic
I’ll be attending the “Enough is Enough” Hydro One rally in Kingston this Saturday March 21 to protest high electricity rates - for more details click here. I hope to see you there. You may also want to check out the following Facebook page and my petition.
Read moreHillier Challenges Premier on her Commitment to Honesty
Elections Ontario recently revealed that there is enough evidence to pursue an investigation into allegations of bribery by the Liberal Party in the recent Sudbury byelection. This is yet another scandal added to the long list of Liberal malfeasances.
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