(Video) Comparing COVID Predictions with Today's Facts
The government is constantly moving the goal posts with COVID, however it's important to keep things in perspective and remember how and why we got where we are today, with a limited democracy, stunted economic activity, and stifling of our rights.
Read moreCOVID-19 Graphs & Facts
Here are the graphs I posted over the past few days comparing COVID hospitalization rates, recovery rates and deaths by age to a typical flu season. Additionally, with a graph from Ontario Public health showing lab confirmed flu cases from 2013 through 2018 and how the rate of infections coincide with our winter flu season (week 1 in the graph is the first week of January, as the chart begins September and ends in Aug) .
COVID-19 is a respiratory virus like many others, while some people refuse to accept the evidence, it shares many similarities in transmission and symptoms to every other respiratory virus that we face every season. It makes me think of the old adage,If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Did lock downs bring the COVID cases down, or did they come down precipitously as in every other and which occur naturally. Read the data and make your own decisions
Public Health Ontario Graphs: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/surveillance-reports/orpb/orpb-season-summary-2017-18.pdf
Read moreEmergency Measures Need Accountability
In my 62 years, I have never experienced such an all encompassing and overarching division within Ontario as has developed with COVID-19. It has made polarization between political parties appear docile.
Read moreUniversal Healthcare or Universal Failure?
Since April 23rd we have seen over 53,000 medically necessary procedures delayed or cancelled, due to the under-utilization of our hospitals. The Health Minister has admitted that “about” 35 people have died while awaiting heart surgery.¹
These statistics were revealed yesterday by the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO)’s Preliminary Review on the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Hospital Capacity.
Randy Hillier Supports and Endorses Kingston's Resolution Regarding COVID-19
I fully support and endorse Kingston’s resolution to move away from the province's “one-size-fits-all” model for combating COVID-19.
With diminished representation in government at the federal and provincial Parliaments, it is clear that local governments must have greater influence on how provincial policies are applied.
The needs and effects these provincial policies have had on each and every riding in our province differs greatly, from preventing community gardens to the closure of boat ramps and parks. What may be reasonable in Toronto or Ottawa does not necessarily apply to Ompah and Franktown.
Read moreEnding the Indian Act & Blockades, using Facts and Plain Language, Pt 2
I am pleased to see some of the railway blockades ending, however we all know that until there is fundamental change, blockades, protests, and irreparable harm to our economy will continue.
Although there are those who disagree with my positions on the railway blockades and the attempts made to “Shut Canada Down”, the vast majority of my constituents who have called or emailed me, support my position.
Read moreEnding the Indian Act, Blockades, and Hypocrisy
While politicians refuse to act for fear of losing a few votes, small groups of radical, privileged and dishonest idealogues are attempting to derail Canadian society.
These groups have hijacked our charitable dispositions, successfully stifled our freedom of speech through coercive political correctness, distorted our education, rewritten our history, abused freedom of assembly, caused financial harm and grave disruptions to our economy, while seeking to impoverish and lower the standards of all Canadians regardless of their ancestry. They seek to prevent the Indigenous peoples from sharing in the fruits of a modern society while enshrining their dependence onto a welfare state.
Read moreMisreading Rand Formula
Published in the Windsor Star on January 19th, 2013
Rationality flies out the window when it comes to discussing labour policy with labour leaders. Since the PC Party and I launched our 'Paths to Prosperity: Flexible Labour Markets' white paper, union leaders have said our proposal to make union membership optional would make collective bargaining illegal, toss out the Rand Formula and lead to other evil deeds.
Read moreRegulatory burden undermining land value, impeding prosperity in Ontario
Published in ipolitics.ca Sept. 14, 2012
When the New World was discovered, it was called “The Land of Opportunity”; and not without a reason either.
The British Colonies of the New World were the first place where any peasant, any serf or indentured servant could hope to one day own property. Those new immigrants to the “Land of Property” were free for the first time to live their lives as they wanted. They were free to work and succeed and rise above their lack of opportunity.