(Video) Debate: 2nd Reading Bill 162 Passes
In a rare show of unity, all four parties in the Ontario Legislature came together in support of my Bill 162, the Public Accountability and Lobbyist Transparency Act.
I trust that together in committee, all sides will be working in good faith to adopt my anti corruption Bill for Lobbyists, elected members and staff; give our Integrity Commissioner more robust oversight, and enshrine meaningful penalties for political wrongdoings.
Read moreHillier’s Anti-Corruption Bill Passes Second Reading
February 20, 2020
(QUEEN’S PARK) Randy Hillier’s anti-corruption bill, the Public Accountability and Lobbyist Transparency Act passed Second Reading with support from all four parties and the independents in the Ontario Legislature today. This passing is a critical step towards becoming law, and bringing much needed reforms to the Ontario Government’s procedures for elected officials, public servants, and lobbyists.
Read moreEnding the Indian Act, Blockades, and Hypocrisy
While politicians refuse to act for fear of losing a few votes, small groups of radical, privileged and dishonest idealogues are attempting to derail Canadian society.
These groups have hijacked our charitable dispositions, successfully stifled our freedom of speech through coercive political correctness, distorted our education, rewritten our history, abused freedom of assembly, caused financial harm and grave disruptions to our economy, while seeking to impoverish and lower the standards of all Canadians regardless of their ancestry. They seek to prevent the Indigenous peoples from sharing in the fruits of a modern society while enshrining their dependence onto a welfare state.
Read moreCanada Talks with Matt Gurney: Form Letters Belong In The Trash
Randy Hillier had a chance to speak on his recently released opinion piece in the National Post on Canada Talks with Matt Gurney. They discuss the problems and realistic results of form letters while offering best practices to help get your voice heard in government.
You can read the opinion piece here: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/randy-hillier-want-to-affect-change-skip-the-form-letters
Read moreRandy Hillier: Want to affect change? Skip the form letters
As a member of Ontario’s provincial parliament, I sincerely enjoy reading correspondence from, and conversing with, individuals who share with me their unique experiences that illustrate and justify amending public policies, statutes or regulations. Not only do these personal perspectives assist me in understanding the nuances and complexities of the issues involved, they also help in developing public policy solutions to the problems.
I place considerable weight on these personal interactions, but with advancements in technology, including social media, this form of communication is increasingly being replaced with the speed and convenience of form emails that are composed by others and empty of any personal experiences or meaningful insights.
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