May 31st marked the 85th anniversary of the repeal of prohibition in Ontario, which was the result of a referendum in 1924. Many people believe that referendums are an American concept and shouldn't be allowed in Ontario, but I think they’re a great way for people to rid society of terrible laws and participate in democracy. Here is my statement on repeal day.
The redevelopment of the Carleton Place hospital still hasn't moved forward through the bureaucratic maze at both the Ministry of Health and the Local Health Integration Network after nine years. I spoke about this in the house.
There was a "National Day of Protest" over the federal budget on Saturday in Perth at my shared office with Scott Reid- only 6 people showed up, which I guess is reflective of the overall confidence the public really has in the federal Conservative government.
I, along with Scott Reid and Tay Valley Township Reeve Keith Kerr, attended the 3M Big Brother Big Sisters charity golf game which raised over $10,000. Click here for image.
On behalf of my constituents, I continue to pursue countless cases of property rights infringement due to provincial policies and municipal enforcement. This week a person who owns 27 acres of land on a nearby lake has been told there isn't enough room due to whip-poor-wills, minimum setbacks from the shoreline and railway tracks. Sign the petition to enshrine property rights in Canada's Constitution.
I also have understand that bobolinks, which like whip-poor-wills are on the species at risk list, were heard by MNR officers at the site of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority’s (MVCA) new headquarters, currently under construction near Carleton Place. I wonder if the MVCA will be as concerned with the environmental impact of their own project as they are with everyone else’s developments? Will they withdraw their own permit to build?
We had a great week helping to launch the Fraser Institute’s new book by Dr. Mark Milke "Stealth Confiscations" here are a few of the stories, and you can download a free copy of the book (click here) or order online.
I wrote an opinion piece on labour reform that was published in the National Post and you can read it here.
In the coming week(s):
Looks like the marriage of convenience between the Liberals and the NDP will continue for a while yet. The liberal budget will now pass along with all their other Bills to expand spending and taxation such as the $80 million for their development funds, wealth tax, and of course their deceptive Safe Schools Act which I wrote about earlier.
The legislature was due to rise for the summer on June 6 but due to the LIb/NDP agreement to pass all the Liberal bills the legislature will sit until June 20. I've often said the less time the legislature and politicians are in session - the less damage can be done. My adage appears validated.
On June 5 I'll be attending the book launch of "The Locavore's Dilemma"
The June edition of Liberty on the Rocks in Toronto is on Wednesday June 7 - see you there, [link to event on Facebook]
Best regards,
Randy Hillier
MPP Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
P.S. Last Scuttlebut, I mentioned some of the proclamations that had been made for May- proclamations that while well-intentioned, provide no value for the taxpayer, and use up significant amounts of legislative time that could be used on matters of greater concern. Here’s what the legislature has proclaimed into and recognized by law for June each year: June 4th of each year Tom Longboat Day in the Province of Ontario.
June 10th in each year is proclaimed as Portugal Day;
June 19th in each year is proclaimed as United Empire Loyalists’ Day;
The month of June in each year is proclaimed as Portuguese History and Heritage Month;
The month of June in each year is proclaimed as Deaf-Blind Awareness Month;
The month of June in each year is proclaimed as Italian Heritage Month;
The third week in June in each year is proclaimed as Ontario Wine Week; and
The first weekend wholly in June in every year is proclaimed as Celebrate the Artist Weekend.
In that last Scuttlebut, I only listed a few of the May proclamation- due to popular request, here is the complete list (I think) for May:
The month of May in each year is proclaimed as Asian Heritage Month;
The month of May in each year is proclaimed as Dutch Heritage Month;
May 5th in each year is proclaimed as South Asian Arrival Day;
The month of May in each year is proclaimed as South Asian Heritage Month; and
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario shall proclaim the 1st day of May as Doctors’ Day in Ontario to recognize and applaud the many contributions that doctors make to the health and well-being of all Ontarians.