Once again, vaping is under attack by the Ontario Liberals. Our petitions, emails and phone calls delayed them once before. We have to mobilize once again and double up our advocacy efforts.
This time, it’s new regulatory proposals that can be viewed here
It is important that you take the time to use the Comments section at that link to make your views known, BEFORE April 24, 2016.
As the Toronto Star has already reported, the government is introducing new regulations restricting the use of medical marijuana in certain places, and these will also apply to vaping. They have also announced they will “curb the use and sale of e-cigarettes.”
You can view the Star story here
We need to voice our opposition to any misguided and harmful proposals to restrict the sales of e-cigarettes and accessories to adults. No one wants people under 19 accessing vaping, but restrictions on adults, without any science and medical evidence, is simply moralistic crusading at its worst.
David Sweanor makes a great argument against these regulations here and makes for some intelligent discussion on the new proposals.
I encourage everyone to contact the Premier, the Minister of Health, and the Associate Minister of Health, and voice your outrage at their ignorance of science and their blind adhesion to their own agenda.
They can be reached at:
Hon. Dipika Damerla, Associate Minister of Health
Phone: 416-327-4300 Fax: 416-326-1571
Twitter -@dipikadamerla
Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier
Phone: 416-325-1941 Fax: 416-325-9895
Twitter - @kathleen_wynne
Hon. Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long Term Care
Phone: 416-327-4300 Fax: 416-326-1571
Twitter - @drerichoskins
This is unconstitutional, and must be challenged. Please copy me at [email protected] on your correspondence.
In addition, I recommend everyone check out Vaping Isn't Smoking.ca which is also pushing to have the Liberal's reconsider their ill advised ban on the single greatest smoking cessation device to come to market. They are also organizing protest and events as well as having plenty of helpful and informative information on vaping in Ontario.
There is also another opportunity to express your opposition to elected officials who create and/or support unjust laws. On May 9, there will be a rally at Queen’s Park in support of recall legislation- the power for voters to recall an underperforming or counterproductive MPP. I hope you will come out and show your support for more responsibility and accountability from our elected representatives. Details on the rally can be found here.
I thank you for your continuing stance against injustice, the letters I know you’ll send to the government opposing this new bill, and I look forward to seeing you at Queen’s Park on Monday, May 9th.
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