Read the letter I sent to the CEO of the Independent Electricity System Operator opposing the wind turbine developments in Addington Highlands and North Frontenac.
31 August 2015
Re: Nextera/RES Canada Proposals for Addington Highlands and North Frontenac Townships
Dear Mr. Campbell;
I am writing today to express my opposition to the proposed industrial wind turbine projects for Addington Highlands and North Frontenac by Nextera and RES Canada.
You may be aware that the community of North Frontenac has passed a resolution declaring their community an ‘unwilling host’.
A Council-sanctioned survey of ratepayers in Addington Highlands resulted in 81% of respondents indicating they also wished their community to declare themselves an ‘unwilling host’; despite these results, and for reasons that appear veiled and contrary to democratic tradition, Council defied the wishes of the majority of their ratepayers and voted 3-2 in favour of supporting the proposal. Arguably, the companies’ coercive offer to share or withhold a portion of their lucrative and excess profits with the municipal government, depending on how they voted, weighed heavily upon our elected representatives and ultimately swayed the municipality’s support.
From my extensive conversations and meetings with area residents, it is abundantly clear and unequivocal that the project is not welcome, and will face indomitable opposition and continuous obstacles from the local community. Those opposing this project will have my very public, resolute and active support.
Disregarding for a moment the significant economic losses and other burdens these projects impose on families and businesses in Ontario, proceeding with a project that will be subjected to such significant public opposition and disrespecting the wishes of the residents of these communities is short-sighted, unnecessary and contemptuous.
I respectfully request that the IESO pay close attention and place significant merit upon the objections of the local residents as the IESO reviews any project proposals for their communities. Further, I would strongly encourage that before any future projects proceed that they be conditional upon a clause that will reduce the contracted price by the same amount the proponent is providing the municipality.
Randy Hillier