The Premier needs to take ownership of yet another one her “mistakes”; the decline of small town rural Ontario. The Liberal Government’s legacy of failure and indifference to small town rural Ontario has devastated our communities and school closures are the unsettling result of their failure. Sign my petition to show your support to allow community members and parents to present deputations directly to the school board on the effects these closures will have on their families and communities.
A Petition to the Upper Canada District School Board – Pupil Accommodation Review
To the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and Trustees:
Whereas, trustees are elected to the UCSDB to represent the views, interests and concerns of the people they represent;
And Whereas the current Pupil Accommodation Review process being undertaken by the UCDSB has all interested parties advocating to an Accommodation Review Committee rather than to the Trustees directly;
And Whereas it is the UCDSB and Trustees who will make the final decision on the recommendations, such as school closures and redistribution of the student population among the remaining schools;
We, the undersigned, petition the UCDSB as follows:
That the affected parties, including parents and community advocacy groups, be provided the opportunity to make deputations directly to the Board Trustees, rather than through the filter of an Accommodation Review Committee.