In the House today, I asked the Premier when he would begin being truthful and honest about the dangers of COVID. In response, I was shut down by the Speaker and snubbed by the Premier. Shockingly, the Speaker deemed it ‘unparliamentary’ to ask for honesty from the government.
As we can see, no one wants to say the emperor has no clothes. The policies our government has implemented are doing far more harm than good. They won’t even give a second thought to a dissenting view going so far as to call it unparliamentary and out of order.
We must continue to speak out against these overreaching COVID policies. Contact the Premier, your local MPP, local council, and Health Unit. Let them know the Premier has no clothes, and it is time we return to normal.
Premier: [email protected] or [email protected] or 416-325-1941
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