How does the Premier expect me and other MPP’s to encourage respect for the law, when he himself disregards his own pronouncements?
Five weeks ago, as our political leaders heightened fears with emotionally charged language and pleaded with people not to go to cottages; to shelter in place or else you would not only spread the disease but likely be struck down with the fatal virus. Yet, those same leaders live by a very different standard. While many people across the province who own campers and cottages are concerned about their property conditions after the long winter, they are prevented and subject to fines for going to check. The same does not apply to our illustrious leaders.
I've heard from many people who dread leaving their homes to get groceries or medications; the fear has been overwhelming for many, and the stress unbearable as they listen to our political leaders and fear losing their livelihoods, homes, and businesses. Although Doug and Justin sound very convincing everyday on TV, off camera their actions are contrary to their words.
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