25 February 2020
(Queen’s Park) - Today in the Ontario Legislature, Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) called upon the government to create a Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations.
All matters of public policy related to Indigenous Relations would be referred to this Committee, which would then report back to the House with recommendations; the Committee would also be empowered with the discretion to investigate matters it deems have merit.
“It is the responsibility of this House and all its members to raise matters of public interest and importance.” Hillier told the House. “It is our responsibility to seek out an end to injustice, and to debate policies, but on Indigenous policy we have been silent far too long.”
Hillier, who has publicly expressed his opinion on the recent rail blockades and called for an end to the injustices inherent in the Indian Act that disadvantage Canada’s Indigenous peoples. He called for a firm commitment from the government that Indigenous relations have a priority spot in policy discussions that affect them.
“It is past time that we create a Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations in this House; a Standing Committee where Indigenous peoples may be heard, policies examined, and deliberated with solutions found.”
You can view Hillier’s motion, question, and the government’s response here.
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