(Video) Questions: Proof or Propaganda?
After the Toronto Sun published how many COVID patients are taking up UHN hospital beds in Toronto, I asked the Deputy Premier if she could provide or verify the Sun’s numbers. I am not sure if she couldn’t hear me across the aisle, but I didn’t hear a single number, just propaganda.
Read more(Video) Debate: Motion 92 Bill 218 - The End of Responsible Government?
Bill 218 prevents the public from suing our government institutions for their liability during COVID, undermines ministerial responsibility, and subverts common law. Our government is attempting to conceal their actions, responsibility, and culpability for the harm they have caused in their response to COVID. It would be shameful for any Members of the Legislature to support this bill. There is something immoral when members abandon their own conscience, and support a Bill which is a direct path to injustice; better to be kicked from Caucus, than to abandon your conscience. We must reject Bill 218.
Read more(Video) Health Care is More Than Just COVID
In part 2 of my interview with Dr. Amani, we discuss how our government failed to provide actual health care for many, in order to deal with COVID projections that never happened. This government willfully forgot about how we treat viruses in order to double-down on a fear narrative.
Read more(Video) Randy Hillier's Social Gathering Closing Statement
Here are my closing statements from Wednesday’s gathering to those standing for freedom in defiance of the unlawful COVID laws in Ontario. We tested the law, and the Premier demonstrated he’s all bluster, no muster. His government knows that their COVID laws are unjust. Let that be a message to every free person in Ontario, that you must not fear the undemocratic decrees of this government and its COVID Command Table. When we have stood together in support of freedom and responsibility, we have won. We will win again.
Read more(Video) Randy Hillier's Social Gathering Intro Speech
I tested the law and the Premier’s resolve yesterday, to see whether or not he would stand behind his unconstitutional COVID laws that restrict our freedom of assembly. He proved to me and everyone who attended my “unmonitored social gathering” that his COVID laws are unenforceable and nothing more than a scare tactic. His government knows that their COVID laws are unjust, and when challenged, they cowered. Let that be a message to every free person in Ontario, that you must not fear the undemocratic decrees of this government and it’s COVID Command Table.
Read moreNews: Le StuDio Interview on Our COVID Response
Great interview today with Le StuDio as we explored both Ontario’s and Quebec’s response to COVID-19. We ask some hard questions; Did the actions of our governments result in thousands of early deaths in long-term care homes? Does the government’s response and continued lockdowns constitute criminal negligence? These are all important questions we must ask all our representatives as further, harsher restrictions are on the horizon, and the further closures of our small businesses.
Read moreHealth officials raise disinformation concerns
Who’s guilty of misinformation, me, the health unit, or the mainstream media?
Read the letter on my website that was referred to in this story and judge for yourself- the word “disinformation” doesn’t even appear in the letter. Furthermore, I offered my board room to meet with KFL&A executives and discuss theirs and my concerns…it’s a large board room, allowing for social distancing and of course, they’d be welcome to wear masks.
Read more(Video) Question: Government Isolation Camps?
The Premier has been actively dodging my questions since July. Today was just another example of the new status quo in Queen’s Park, no response. After this exchange I’m not even sure if the Premier and his Cabinet know what's going on regarding the Federal government considering the expansion of isolation/quarantine facilities from coast to coast.
Read moreNo More Lockdowns
Help spread this petition to your community by downloading our printable petition here.
A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario – No More Lockdowns
WHEREAS the threat of COVID-19 is now understood not to be a risk to the vast majority of the people of Ontario;
AND WHEREAS present testing methods are defective and inaccurate at discerning viral spread due to their excessive false-positive rate;
AND WHEREAS countless small and medium-sized businesses have already been lost as a result of the prior lockdown;
AND WHEREAS millions of people have been denied proper medical attention and needed procedures;
AND WHEREAS global data now demonstrates that children are at extremely low risk of serious illness, but are disproportionately harmed by lockdowns;
AND WHEREAS a growing number of physicians throughout Ontario and the world have recognized that COVID-19 is “not a killer virus, but a treatable condition”
AND WHEREAS a repeated lockdown along with the present COVID-19 ordinances contravene the rights and freedoms of the people as enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
WE, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: That the Government of Ontario commit to not forcing the people of Ontario and businesses back into a lockdown for the COVID-19 virus.
(Video) Question: The Premier Has No Clothes
In the House today, I asked the Premier when he would begin being truthful and honest about the dangers of COVID. In response, I was shut down by the Speaker and snubbed by the Premier. Shockingly, the Speaker deemed it ‘unparliamentary’ to ask for honesty from the government.
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