Emergency powers are not gone just yet...
Recently I have seen incomplete and misleading information circulating about O.Reg 264/21, also known as the “Declaration of Emergency”, which was revoked on June 9th.
I know for many people the legislative process can be both complicated and confusing- I have even seen that confusion among politicians. I hope to provide some clarification.
Remember to share this far and wide, as we need to push back against the misinformation and falsehoods being shared about O.Reg 264/21, emergency measures, and vaccines.
Read moreA Royal Commission of Inquiry into our COVID Response
Our response to COVID-19 in Ontario has resulted in the highest unemployment rates in generations, the mass closure and loss of small, family-owned businesses, the elimination of people's hard-earned life savings, and is placing an immeasurable strain on the mental health of thousands throughout Ontario. Our response has kept hundreds of thousands of Ontarian's without vital care resulting in preventable deaths or other critical health complications.
It's time to open a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the actions of our government over the last 16 months!
Help spread this petition to your community by downloading our printable petition here.
A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
A Royal Commission of Inquiry into the activities of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and the COVID Command Table
WHEREAS our Chief Medical Officer of Health, based on deliberations and information shared at the COVID Command Table, imposed public health restrictions such as lockdowns, masking, and the closure of businesses, predicated upon information now known to be false;
AND WHEREAS the release of the Fauci emails provide evidence that the origin of the virus was the Wuhan lab in China, and further demonstrate the funding of controversial ‘gain of function’ experimentation;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada is blocking efforts by Parliament to uncover the truth about two Chinese government operatives known to be working in a Winnipeg virus lab in the autumn of 2019 and subsequently removed in January 2020;
AND WHEREAS our Chief Medical of Health and the COVID Command Table failed in their responsibility to exercise due diligence on information they were receiving prior to pursuing and extending restrictions that did more harm than good;
AND WHEREAS Royal Commission of Inquiry will provide the transparency and truth to the people of Ontario and answer the many questions Ontarians and Canadians have about their governments’ questionable behaviour and decisions the last 16 months;
WE the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
That the Government of Ontario convene a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the COVID activities and decisions of the COVID Command Table and the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
#SaveAmanda - Health Care is an Essential Service
I received this letter from Amanda, a mother of two boys. She learned recently that her future with her two boys may be in jeopardy, not because of a pandemic, nor a virus, but because her Cancer surgery has been delayed again! Doug Ford, how can you allow your harmful lockdowns and oppressive COVID policies remove needed health care from Amanda?
In response to Amanda’s letter, as well as too many others who have shared their stories of delayed surgeries, treatments, and screenings, I have started a petition to the Ford Government, demanding he reopen our healthcare and allow Amanda to receive her necessary cancer surgery.
Sign the petition below and help spread this petition to your community by downloading our printable petition here.
Help spread Amanda’s story by sharing with your friends and family. Contact your MPP and the Premier, tell them it is time to stop playing god with their COVID policies and we must reopen our hospitals to those in need, without these harmful restrictions.
“Health Care is an Essential Service”
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has exclusive jurisdiction over health care in Ontario;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has denied access to necessary and life-saving procedures to the citizens it is obligated to care for;
AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario made these decisions based on modelling projections for COVID 19 while entirely ignoring the diagnosis and treatment of other illnesses;
AND WHEREAS an ever increasing number of cancer patients are having their surgeries significantly delayed through the Government of Ontario’s willingness to sacrifice these lives on the altar of misguided COVID protocols, putting so many at risk of greater illness or death;
WE, the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: that the Government stop playing God with people’s lives, and provide necessary surgeries to those who need them as they are obligated to do under the law.
No Vaccine Passports
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has suggested that those who do not have proof of vaccination, sometimes called a “vaccine passport” may not be able to access many public services, employment, and have their mobility rights restricted;
WE, the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, that the Government protect the Constitutional Rights of its citizens and not issue any orders or regulations that would restrict the freedoms and rights of the unvaccinated; and prevent employers and services from mandating vaccines for their services or employment.
This petition was started by No More Lockdowns Canada.
Help this petition grow by also signing their petition here and
filling out the paper form to reach the Ontario Legislature.
Letter to First Ministers of Canada and Official Opposition Leaders Regarding The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
Today, I sent a letter to the Prime Minister, all the Premiers across Canada and their Official Opposition Leaders, informing them about the document penned by leading professionals from across our great country and the United States, many within the intelligence communities, exposing China’s involvement with the lockdowns across the western world.
Read moreThe Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud
COVID is being exploited as a Trojan horse to advance the CCP agenda around the world.
The following document has compiled evidence of the CCP's involvement in the worlds scientific & medical communities, among other industries.
What Really Is Holding Back Our Hospitals During COVID?
Many perpetuated the lie that is the COVID pandemic and people are fed up. While fear is preventing many healthcare professionals from speaking out, fear of job losses, public shaming; Andrew, a nurse in Ontario wrote this powerful message to his MPP outlining the real situation in our hospitals. It is clear hospitals are not overwhelmed and patients in need are left waiting.
Read more(Video) What is COVID?
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and on occasion How are the questions we ask to learn and better examine & evaluate any topic.
Read more