Press Release: Confidence in Truckers, not in Trudeau
30 January 2022
(OTTAWA) – Randy Hillier, Member of Provincial Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, is calling upon federal Members of Parliament to compel a motion and vote of non-confidence upon the current federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Read morePress Release: Trudeau engaged in an “Act of Terrorism”
25 January 2022
(PERTH) “For our Prime Minister to restrict access to food and basic necessities in the middle of winter, in Canada, is nothing short of an act of domestic terrorism,” Mr. Hillier explained. “Our Premiers across this country, including Doug Ford, are complicit in holding Canadians hostage with restrictions that do nothing but keep food off our store shelves,” Mr. Hillier continued. “Hard working and patriotic truckers, who are being kept from crossing the border, are headed to Ottawa in protest; I salute them and I intend to join them. It’s my hope that they stay in Ottawa, on Parliament Hill, until our Prime Minister and premiers end all terrorist decrees of vaccine mandates and all other mandates end,” said Mr. Hillier.
Read morePress Release: Our Governments Have Created Food Shortages
20 January 2022
(PERTH, ON) Over the past two years, we have seen governments assume powers and privileges under the guise of protecting us from a “pandemic”, by reducing hospital capacity, and supposedly protecting our supply chains. Two years ago, Mr. Hillier (MPP, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) warned of the implications of this power grab on March 18th 2020, one day after the Premier introduced our first lockdown. You can read his letter to Cabinet at the link below, but the warning has only fallen on deaf ears, as our governments insist on implementing more actions that harm what they swore to protect.
Read moreMotion 8: Temporary Government Measures Becoming Permanent?
24 November 2021
(PERTH) When governments assume for themselves any additional powers or privileges under the guise of a temporary emergency, history has demonstrated that they are unlikely to relinquish those powers. First granted in March 2020 for two weeks, then renewed through many votes first in July 2020, then in May 2021, and again yesterday. This is a never ending “emergency”.
Press Release: Are Vaccine Fatalities Criminal?
Are Vaccine Fatalities Criminal?
MPP Hillier Calls for OPP/RCMP Investigation
15 November 2021
(PERTH, ON) Randy Hillier (MPP Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) has shared with OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique and RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, video testimony of vaccine adverse effects and possible deaths to support his call for an investigation into the sudden and unexplained deaths and injuries of otherwise healthy individuals throughout Ontario and Canada that have occurred under questionable circumstances in recent months.
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